Intellectual property valuation services

Market valuation of intellectual property, fair value

According to WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) the term 'intellectual property' refers to any property, which is admittedly intellectual and needs to be protected. It includes (but is not limited to) industrial designs, scientific and technical inventions, trademarks and company business directories, literary and artistic works and geographical indications.

Intellectual property for a business isn't an object of property, but the right to it. The growing interest of businesses towards intellectual property is conditioned by their desire to gain more profit. However, it is impossible to estimate the utility or profitability of such an object without the help of professional appraisers. The result of intellectual property rights valuation depends on the purpose of the given object's intended use, and a variety of other factors.

Apart from the fact that these objects can be used for commercial purposes, intellectual property valuation allows one to put the objects on a balance sheet as an intangible asset, allowing the formation of funds amortization to be included in the cost of production. It should be noted that the assessment of the value of intellectual property can take into account not only the current use and experience of the IP object, but also the industries for its application. This allows one to calculate the risks involved, predict the amount of investment needed for its development and so on. For more information about intellectual property valuation, please send a request via our website.

Areas of intellectual property valuation

  • Copyright valuation
    Copyright law regulates relations arising in the process of creating and using the product (embodied in any form like the original result of the creative activity) in science, literature and art.
  • Valuation of objects of related rights
    Generally, related rights are close to co-authorship. They appeared to extend the copyright on enough creative activities. The content of related rights greatly varies in different countries.
  • Valuation of patented object rights
    Patent law regulates the creation and use of intellectual property rights, which are protected by patent.
    The Objects of patent rights:
    • Industrial property
      • Inventions
      • Utility models
      • Industrial designs
    • Selection achievements
  • Valuation of know-how (the right to trade secrets)
    As a rule, know-how are innovations that have commercial value as long as the other parties do not know about them and they are protected by trade secret. Know-how can be used to achieve a competitive advantage in the market, as well as be subject to sale / purchase.
  • Valuation of the means of individualization of rights
    The means of individualization serve to distinguish objects in the sphere of economic turnover (organizations, companies, products, services, etc.).
    Types of individualization means:

Objectives of intellectual property valuation

Swiss Appraisal identifies the following goals for IP valuation:

Infringement of intellectual property rights

  • Violation of copyright
  • Distribution of objects created using methods and technology protected by patent
  • Unfair competition

Swiss Appraisal has extensive experience in the preparation of reports for intellectual property rights valuation in a variety of industries, including high tech and innovative companies.

For more information about intellectual property valuation services, please contact our Swiss Appraisal regional office.